Learning Center Posters
It is a very well known fact in the early childhood field that play is really children's work. As children play they develop essential skills such as creative expression, emotional, gross/fine motor, intellectual, language, listening, physical, problem-solving and social skills needed to become successful active learners.
This colorful set of the eight traditional learning centers poster helps communicate as it describes to parents and staff, from what might be a child's perspective exactly what kind of skills they are learning in each learning center as they play.
Helps project a professional image of your child care center.
Helps create parental and staff awareness of educational experiences children are accomplishing in their classroom learning centers among peers.
Each poster is 11 x 17 in size with a color photo of children busy playing at each learning center and this set not only includes the eight traditional learning centers:
- Art
- Block
- Dramatic Play
- Home
- Library
- Music
- Sand Science
- Water Science
But now also has the following additional learning centers:
- Computer
- Manipulatives
- Math
- Woodworking
- Writing